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Our activities in this space are driven by above words of Swamiji. 

Relief  Work

"Shiv bhave jeev seva" is one of our guiding principles.

Be it a natural disaster/ calamity, or pandemic or an tragic accident, Math is always at forefront of relief activities. 

Be one or many all are helped in best possible way.

Mobile Dispensary

We have started a mobile dispensary program which caters to people of rural Maharashtra. At initial stage of this program, three villages Kharavde, Khubavali and Bhadas were served through medical camps. We have doctors and supporting staff who visited these villages twice / thrice a week with medicines.

Online presence

Revered Swami Shrikanatananda,  Adhayksha of Pune center has put  emphasis on making teaching of Hoy Trio available online. Online book store / donation, live streaming of daily prayers and major events are started under his kind guidance. His lectured are available on YouTube, along  with bhajans.


Math and mission is also aware and has responded to its commitment towards environment.

Rain water harvesting, solar power unit, vermiculture pits and recycling are part of daily life at Math campus.

It is part of value education imparted to children at our Balak Sangha.