Vivekananda Jnanapeeth Documentary (Marathi)
Vivekananda Jnanapeeth Documentary (English)
Project Objective
Project Scope
Rationale of the Project
Project Progress
Project Objective

To Educate our children and youth with Swami Vivekananda’s ideas of man-making, nation building and character building, making them a good citizens of India....
Vivekananda Jnanapeeth aims at bringing about a Holistic Personality Development by shaping the physical, mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual aspects of a person with special focus on Youths. Simultaneous growth of all faculties will make each individual an excellent human being. Vivekananda Jnanapeeth will train people for all round development and equip them to live a meaningful and fulfilling life.
Project Scope
The proposed institute will comprise of the following three branches -
- Vivekananda School of Human Excellence – The school will primarily focus on development of soft skills and personality development.
- Sister Nivedita School of Languages – This school will offer courses to improve reading-writing-speaking skills. This will make our youth confident and effective communicator.
- Vivekananda School of Culture – The school will strive for moral and character development of our youth.
Rationale of the Project
Rationale / Justification of the Vivekananda Jnanapeeth Project
Rationale behind Vivekananda Institute of Culture:
Swami Vivekananda says “…It is the culture that withstands shocks on civilization, not a mass of knowledge. You can put a mass of knowledge into the world, but that will not do it much good. There must come culture into the blood. We all know in modern times of Nations which have masses of knowledge, but what of them? They are like tigers; they are like savages, because culture is not there. Knowledge is only skin- deep, as civilization is, and a little scratch brings out the old savage. Such things happen; this is the danger… Until you give masses the Culture, there can be no permanence in the raised condition of the masses”!!
There are Ancient Solutions for the Modern Problems in the teachings of Swami Vivekananda.
Vivekananda Jnanapeeth, consisting of 3 institutes & it is conceptualized after thorough studies & experience over the period of many years about modern youths & their problem to fulfill Swami Vivekananda’s above vision of Culture.
No such project consisting three institutions with holistic approach under one umbrella is fully dedicated for the youth of India in Maharashtra.
Pune is the Cultural capital of Maharashtra,India but till the date, there is not a single institute dedicated for cultivation of culture of future youths with holistic approach! Hence Vivekananda Jnanapeeth is proposed in Pune.
There are various School of Lnguages in Pune city but there is no residential facility for poor students. ‘Vivekananda Jnanapeeth’ will provide this facility.
‘Vivekananda Jnanapeeth’ has holistic approach to make the student to stand on his/her own feet, self-reliant.
Our youth have infinite potential; the need is to boost their confidence by providing them the right kind of training, which is the aim of the ‘Vivekananda Jnanapeeth’.
India is a Youngest Nation in the world but there is no Institution in Maharashtra to make the young Indian student to face the modern challenges of the Global world like Character building, etc.
Rationale behind ‘Sister Nivedita School of Languages
Our youth are very intelligent and hardworking but they are lagging behind in Global village especially when they want to acquire western science & technology; because their competence is languages, other than their mother-tongue is poor. Study of foreign languages will make them to interact with people of other regions and nations with confidence to acquire science & technology and in return; they can give wisdom of knowledge hidden in Indian Culture to others.
There will be two-year courses consisting of 4 semesters 1) Basic level 2) Junior level 3) Senior level 4) Advance level for German, French, Spanish, Japanese, English, Indian languages, Sanskrit, Hindi etc.
Rationale behind Vivekananda Institute of Human Excellence
While defining Human Excellence in case of education, Swami Vivekananda said, ‘Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in Man.’
Rationale behind Vivekananda Institute of Human Excellence is that, along with Knowledge of languages youth need to acquire certain soft skills to improve their quality of work while handling responsible positions. A person with skills will always be successful in every field of life.
To equip our youth with soft skills such as Leadership, Problem solving and Decision making, Verbal and Non-verbal communication, Social or People skills, Stress, Change and Conflict Management skills, Self-management, Time management, Mind management, Emotional Intelligence, etc., we are starting Vivekananda Institute of Human Excellence.
Human Excellence Institute will help people to enhance excellence & become efficient and effective performers in professional and personal life. Apart from poor & needy youth, beneficiaries will be government and corporate employees, teachers, parents and children, older people.
Project Progress
Preparation of Project Proposal, drawings was done in 1st half of 2015. Headquarters, Belur Math, Kolkata granted permission in September 2015. Bhumi poojan (Ground breaking) was done 01Jan2016. After getting all required approval , Phase -1 construction (upto plinth level) was started in June 2018, work slowed down significantly during pandemic. Vivekananda Jnanapeeth Project consisting of 3 (three) institutions is expected to complete by 2025.