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  History of Pune Math

Even from the days of British India, Pune was a haven for scholars and men of learning. Many such intellectuals were greatly inspired by the stirring lectures of Swami Vivekananda and invited monks from the Ramakrishna Math and Mission to deliver talks in the city.  Swami Sarvanandaji, a senior monk of the Ramakrishna Order visited Pune in around 1920-1930. A well versed Sanskrit scholar, Sarvanandaji’s translations of the Upanishads are still published and well-read. His scholarly and eloquent lectures deeply influenced the youth of the area who had invited him. Learning of the power of organization from him, they came together and formed the Vivekananda Society on 25 January, 1927.

Gurudev Ranade, the eminent scholar-mystic, was the first president of the society and Sardar Mudliar was the vice president.  The aim of the Society was to propagate the liberal ideals of Vedanta as embodied through the lives of Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda – through the medium of lectures and books. The year 1953-54 was the birth anniversary centenary year of the Holy Mother, Sri Sarada Devi. The event was celebrated with great enthusiasm. 

It was a step forward to the foundation of the future Ramakrishna Math.

Shri Mamasaheb Dandekar
, a great spiritual leader and Kirtankaar of the Varkhari Sampradaya, was elected president of the Society in 1954. The work of the Society continued under the able guidance and leadership of Shri Dandekar. Under his leadership, the Society’s activities gained momentum and regular discourses on spirituality began attracting the general public

In 1955, a piece of land measuring roughly 6 acres, was purchased, at the foothills of Parvati, a small hillock of immense scenic beauty at that time. 

Revered Srimat Swami Vireshwaranandaji, the then General Secretary of the worldwide Ramakrishna Math and Mission, Belur, laid the foundation stone for a new temple.     

On the auspicious occasion of the birth anniversary of the Holy Mother Sri Sarada devi, 1957, the Ramakrishna Temple was inaugurated by Revered Srimat Vireshwaranandaji and the Society formally changed its name to Ramakrishna Ashram.

In the year 1960, the then trustees of the Ashram had passed an unanimous resolution to transfer their assets to the Ramakrishna Math, Belur Math unconditionally. Shri Bhausaheb Bodas and Shri Shankarrao Jathar served the Ashram with immense devotion. Their contribution to the growth of the Ashram was truly invaluable. Prof. Shivajirao Bhosale, the well-known academic, delivered Marathi lectures on Swami Vivekananda and Sri Ramakrishna regularly. His lectures were usually well-attended. There was a great contribution from several donors, architects, artists, printers to the growth of the Ashram.

A simple handing-over-function took place on the birthday of Swami Ramakrishnanandaji  in July 1984. On December 26, 1984, the Ashram was finally affiliated to the Ramakrishna Math, Belur. Most Rev. Srimat Swami Vireshwaranandaji, President, Ramakrishna Math and Mission presided over the function, which was well-attended by many senior monks including Swami Hiranmayanandaji and other trustees of the order.  

Swami Bhaumanandaji was appointed as the president of the new Math.                                                                                                                                                                                                

With changing times, the shrine had to be relocated to a more spacious area. Rev. Gambhiranandaji Maharaj, who was the President of the Order, presided over a simple function organized on 29th March, 1989 to inaugurate the new temple.

With e devotees increased manifold and a larger temple with more facilities had to be conceived.   A beautiful temple called the ‘Universal Temple of Sri Ramakrishna’, which could seat about 500 devotees at a time, was planned with many modern facilities.

Most Rev. Ranganathanandaji Maharaj, the 13th President of the Order inaugurated the temple on the auspicious day of Ramnavami, 2002

Many sadhus and devotees from all over the world attended the inauguration function. Many spiritual retreats, cultural functions, talks and discourses, bhajans, all-religion-meeting, etc. marked the event.

 Swami Srikantananda Ji assumed responsibility of Adhayksha of Pune center on 26 Dec 2010 from retiring Swami Bhaumananda ji Maharaj.